Lawn Over Seeding

A cost effective and non-disruptive way to enhance underlying lawn condition and ward off the day a full and expensive restoration may become necessary.

Over seeding as maintenance:

A cost effective and non-disruptive way to enhance underlying lawn condition and ward off the day a full and expensive restoration may become necessary.

Timing: Late Summer/ Early Autumn

Process: – Accurate and high seed rate application after routine scarification followed by gentle work with a Lute rake to ease the seed toward the base of the lawn. Typical germination rates are about 30% which is enough to provide a good rejuvenation to an existing lawn. We use a full 'lawn establishment' seeding rate and work on 'the rule of thirds': 1/3 does not germinate, 1/3 is eaten by birds, 1/3 is added to the population of grass plants in your lawn.

This is excellent maintenance for all lawns, not just those that are losing condition to age and wear.

It is not an adequate way to repair lawns critically damaged with extensive areas of dead grass or bald patches. Success in these cases requires a much higher germination rate which is only achievable with far greater levels of initial preparation.

Why over seed?

During the natural growth cycle of grass, it will produce its own seed and hence grassland areas have a natural regeneration capacity. When grass is regularly mown, on lawns, in parks and on sports fields it does not get the chance to self-seed.

After the first 4 to 6 years of life most grass types found in areas of regular mowing have started to lose their youthful vigour. Their ability to bounce back from wear and tear as well as harsh weather starts to reduce, and they become easier for Moss and Weeds to compete with.

On sports fields and other areas of managed amenity grass it is common practice to rejuvenate the population of grass plants with a simple drop seeding operation. Typically, this is done in late Summer / early Autumn because it will provide the best chance of good germination.

We can provide this type of over seeding for all customers. It is always done after we have carried out scarification, which means we can do it at an extremely attractive price. It is an excellent way to give an ageing lawn a boost of youthful vigour. Most lawns benefit from having it done on a regular basis just as sports fields do, where it is regarded as essential preventative maintenance.